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不破賞Fuwa Award

第四回不破賞ノミネーション/ Nomination for the 4th Fuwa Award


Nominations for the fourth Fuwa Award is now open (Due: JST 23:59, 31 January, 2025). Nominations can be made only by the current JADE members (full members & student members), and they can be either self-nominations or nominations of other scholars. The nominees should satisfy the conditions outlined below.
●To nominate, use this nomination form.


2021年に「不破賞」が設立されました。対象者や選考基準は以下となります。 不破賞受賞者のページへ

1. 「開発経済学会不破賞」は、バングラデシュにおける女学生向け条件付き給付金(CCT)に関する先駆的なインパクト評価・インドにおける世帯内資源配分・フィリピンの貧困研究などジェンダー・貧困問題を含む開発経済学の多くの分野で優れた研究成果を次々に出す半ば、56歳の若さで亡くなられた故不破信彦東京大学教授の遺志を継ぎ、開発経済学のこれら分野で国際的な研究業績を挙げた研究者の功績を称え、研究の支援を目的とする。

2. 本賞の授賞対象者は、以下のすべての条件を満たす者とする。
(1) 授賞時点で開発経済学会の正会員または学生会員である者。
(2) 授賞決定時において、日本における大学または研究機関等に所属しているか、所属した経験があって開発経済学を研究する者。
(3) 授賞時に、「途上国の女性の地位向上に貢献する分野」の研究において既に国際的に顕著な研究成果を挙げている者。

3. 本賞の選考は、対象者の過去の研究業績、特にトップレベルの査読付き英文国際学術誌に掲載された研究成果、を基準として年に一度表彰する。選考委員会の設定、共著論文の扱いやそのウェイト付けなどを含め受賞者の選定方法の決定は、理事会に一任し、基準に該当する者がいない場合には、その年度の受賞者をなしとする。

4. 本賞の授賞者に正賞として賞状を、副賞として10万円を贈呈する。

5. 匿名の寄付100万円を原資とし、当初は10年間の期限付きで実施する。

Fuwa Award

The Fuwa Award is officially launched in 2021. The qualifications and criteria for the award are as follows.
Click here for the Fuwa Award Recipients

1. JADE has established the JADE Award in Development Economics in Memory of Nobuhiko Fuwa (hereafter “Fuwa Award”) to remember the achievements of late Professor Fuwa of the University of Tokyo, who passed away at his young age of 56 while still making excellent research achievements in the field of development economics. His notable contributions were on gender and poverty issues, including his pioneering work on impact evaluations of conditional cash transfer programs for female students in Bangladesh, intra-household resource allocation in India, and poverty research in the Philippines. The Fuwa Award is aimed to honor and support research of those scholars who have made remarkable international research achievements in these areas of development economics.

2. The winner of the Fuwa Award should satisfy the following conditions.
(1) A regular or student member at the time of winning the award.
(2) Being affiliated or having been affiliated with a university, research institution, or related organization in Japan and engaging in research in development economics.
(3) Having made internationally prominent research achievements in “the area that contributes to improving social status of women in developing countries.”

3. The Fuwa Award is given once a year based on the past research achievements of the awardees, particularly the research publication in internationally reputable refereed journals. The establishment of the selection committee and the process of selections, including treatment and weighting of co-authorships, are determined by the JADE Board members. When these criteria are not satisfied by any of the candidates in a year, the Fuwa Award in that year is not awarded.

4. The winner of the Fuwa Award is provided an honorable certificate and 100,000yen.

5. The Fuwa Award is supported by an anonymous donation given to JADE and is launched with a time limit of ten years.




E-mail : info<@>jade.gr.jp