
JADE 開発経済学会のオフィシャルウェブサイトです。

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学会についてAbout JADE



 再びJADEの会長に選ばれましたことを、光栄に思います。これからの3年間、よろしくお願い申し上げます。思えば2019年の3月に有志数人で立ち上げたこの学会が、会員数176名の学会にまで成長したことはうれしい限りです。また、「活発な議論を通じて論文の質をあげる」とともに「若手研究者を育成し」、国際水準の研究者集団を作り上げるというJADE設立の目的も、学会活動を通じて少しずつ実現しつつあると思います。残念なのはLondon School of Economics との学会の共同開催が、コロナの大流行のために実現できていないことです。しかしながら、LSE側の担当者とは密接に連絡を取り合っており、共同開催実現への強いモティベーションは持ち続けております。是非、2023年の春にはLSEのメンバーとface-to-faceで議論を交わすことができることを望んでおります。


大塚 啓二郎    

December 1, 2021

The Presidential Address

I am truly honored to be selected as the president of JADE again. I look forward to working and interacting with all JADE members in coming three years. Starting with a handful of founding members in March 2019, JADE has grown to be reasonably large now with 176 members. Gradually and steadily JADE has contributed to the realization of the two objectives of its establishment: to raise the quality of development economics research in Japan and to nurture young development economists, so that Japan can be one of the major hubs in development economics research in the world. It is, however, regretful that because of COVID-19, we failed to organize the joint conference with the London School of Economics. Yet, we have regularly made contacts with LSE and both sides are still enthusiastic about the joint conference. We sincerely hope that we will be able to organize the conference in April 2023 with face-to-face heated discussion between JADE members and LSE researchers.

We now have new executive members of JADE. Every new board member is an active member of JADE with strong will to contribute to further development of JADE. Somewhat ironically, we have accumulated “savings” due to unexpectedly small expenditures in the midst of COVID-19. Executive members are now discussing the best use of the accumulated fund for the maximum benefits of JADE, e.g., for internationalization of JADE activities. Finally, I would like to request all members of JADE to make full support for further development of this valuable association.

Keijiro Otsuka       
The Second JADE President  




E-mail : info<@>jade.gr.jp